Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Writing this blog has become a way for me to re-visit my journal and the lessons I learned while travelling through Guatemala.  By day six of the journey I was settling into a morning routine which I found very reflective and appealing.  I made a small commitment to myself that I would start waking up earlier at home so that I could more readily face my days there as well.  Now home for just over a month, I can honestly say that I have stuck to this routine somewhat and I truly enjoy my early morning time.

My journal for this day was deep in some places.  In one part I make some judgements, while I know where those statements were coming from at the time, they are definitely open for criticism.  In the closing portion of my entry I get pretty far into my personal faith and to be honest it makes me sweat a little putting it out in this format and I contemplated editing the journal entry a little.  However, as my one word states, I have to publicly lift God up and so I hope that after reading this you are more open to God and how he can be a positive influence on you.

One last thing before I put my journal entry in here.  THANKS A BUNCH LAUREN, for more than you know.

May 24, 2010

Worked hard most of the day today moving sod, dirt, and rock.  We also mixed cement for the first portion of the sport court.  Thanks to the rain no one suffered from heat exhaustion.  I was extremely happy to be working, and able to work and play hard.  In the afternoon some of us, including myself, continued to work on the sport court while others went to host vacation bible school (VBS) with about 115kids showing up.

As VBS ended all the kids made their way to the sports field and surrounded us as we worked.  They wanted to help and show us what they could do and though I was impressed with their eagerness and energy many of them often hindered our progress.  Their efforts we appreciated none the less. 

As more kids came the work slowed and I took an opportunity to go play soccer with some of the boys from the Village.  It shocked me to see how rough they played and how frequently two kids would square off in a fierce kicking or shoving match.  More often than not it would end as quickly as it began with each kid giving as good as he got.  I only stepped in once when one such battle was mismatched and I felt the bigger boy had made his point.  Such actions would not be allowed on our school yards, but I beleive here it is their way of keeping order.  A necessity for the kids to police themselves exist because so few adults are around to supervise.  With so many kids, the dominant individual rules and gets respect, but every now and then everyone tests their standing in the playground hierarchy and their order is determined during those battles such as what I witnessed on the soccer pitch.  From observing the adults in the Village I can assume that as these kids get older, much like us, their values change and thus mental acquity starts to gain more respect.
At lunch today Lauren surprised us all as she had organized a letter writing campaign for each Mission team member.  She had secretly asked our family and friends to write us a letter and/or send us pictures from home.  Of course this brought tears to most of our eyes and I too swelled up a bit.  I decided to leave my Mom's and Michelle's letters until later when I had some time alone.  The pictures and letters were great and reiterated what I've been saying all along "This team is much bigger that those who have simply come to Guatemala."  I was happy to hear the words of pride come from Michelle and it deepened my love for her further, and the fact Dad even wrote a letter speaks volumes.  My Mom, of course, wrote three pages and ended with a quote from Ralph Waldo Emmerson that will now always be close to my heart:
"Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."  

I feel that that quote so represents the way I often lead my life.  Thanks Mom.

A letter Gordon Dickinson sent me reminded me of my one word "LIFT" and that, my own word, inspired me.  So today I will strive further to openly lift others, to lift my voice, and lift my soul publicly to God.  It is amazing how God has provided me with reminders, clues, and visions of his powerful existence, and how often I feel him with me now that I'm more open to him.  I'm beginning to see that my journey to Guatemala didn't begin with fundraising, it began when I started opening my heart to God. 

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