This morning I went to Tim Horton's like I do on many mornings to read the paper. As I walked in I spoke to another regular that I sometimes chat with. We sat close to one another enjoying our beverage as we struck up a conversation. I brought up the fact that I was travelling to Guatemala this spring for a Mission trip. He had done mission trips in the past and was very interested in what our plans were. I told him our goals and of our plan to develop a long term relationship with Villa Hortencia II and he was engrossed in what I was saying. As the conversation died he reached into his pocket and pulled out some money and simply said "Here, put this toward your trip." As I struggle with writing letters to friends and family asking for support, God sent me this message to say "See its easy, even a casual acquaintance will give in the name of the Lord."
Last night I was worried about my letters but tonight, I feel more determined than ever to lift my voice and do what is needed to help others. I want to thank the great guy who provided me with this little nudge, and at some point I will but here is not the right place.
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